终于懂得19年商务英语中级情景口语之汇率 商务英语学习经验





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终于懂得19年商务英语中级情景口语之汇率 商务英语学习经验

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  Exchange Rate
  Dialogue 1

  Exchange Rate
  Dialogue 1
  F: Have you followed the value of dollar lately?
  M: How could I help but follow it? The fluctuation of dollar's killing my company, the exchange rate is eating into our profit, and we can't do anything about it.
  F: It's really frustrating, isn't it? I have the same problem, I will feel a lot better if the currency was a little more stable, with the way the dollar plummeting lately, my security has gone up in smoke.
  M: Everyday I has less money I haven't spent anything, it is just melting away because the shift of exchange rate,
  F: What we really should be making investment in is the Euro, I followed Euro's progress over the last quarter, I think it's a bound time to buy in.
  M: What about Yan?
  F: Are you kidding? The Yan is the word shape of Dollar.
  Dialogue 2
  F: May I help you?
  M: Yes, I would like to exchange some money.
  F: what currency would you like to trade in?
  M: I would like to exchange Chinese RMB for American Dollars, do you accept one hundred dollor bills?
  F: No problem, we can accept any denomination, how much would you like to exchange today?
  M: Well, that depends on the rate, how much is the RMB trading at today?
  F: It's a shame you didn't come a little earlier, the exchange rate was reset yersterday's afternoon, the American Dollar is now worth RMB 7.45,
  If you would like to sell RMB, we can give you a rate of 7.35, will that be all right?
  M: I guess, here, give me RMB 5000 worth, I might as well exchange a little extra, who knows what the exchange rate will be tommorow!

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