总算晓得托福写作如何文思泉涌 托福英语写作





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总算晓得托福写作如何文思泉涌 托福英语写作

放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2021-12-14 17:20:01  浏览次数:33


  Playing tennis and other sports that are social might?add years to your life(延长寿命), according to a new study of Danish men and women. The study found that adults who reported frequently participating in tennis or other?racket(球类)?and team sports lived longer than people who were sedentary. But they also lived longer than people who took part in?reliably(确实)?healthy but often?solitary(单独的)?activities such as jogging, swimming and cycling. The results raise interesting questions about the role that social interactions might play in?augmenting(增加)?the benefits of exercise. At this point, no one doubts that being physically active improves our health and can?extend our longevity(延长寿命). Multiple, recent?epidemiological(流行病的)?studies have pinpointed links between regular exercise and longer lives in men and women. But whether some activities might be better than others for lengthening life spans remains in dispute.
  One widely publicized 2017 study(一篇被广泛报道的2021年研究)?of more than 80,000 British men and women found that those who played racket sports tended to?outlive(比...长寿)?those who jogged.? Those results?piqued the interest of(引起...的兴趣)?an international group of scientists. They previously had examined links between jogging and longevity and concluded that moderate amounts of moderately paced running led to greater gains in longevity than more-gentle or?strenuous(剧烈的)?running.? For the new study, these same researchers decided to widen their inquiry and look at a variety of sports and their associations with life and?premature death(早逝). Cycling was the most popular activity among the Danes in the study, many of whom reported riding for four or more hours every week. Their?pedaling(骑行)?was associated with a lengthier life span, adding an average of 3.7 years to riders' lives, compared to?sedentary(久坐不动的)?Danes.? Running likewise was associated with an extra 3.2 years of life. But these gains were notably less than for playing tennis, which was linked to 9.7 added years of life, or badminton, which was linked to an extra 6.2 years, or soccer, which added almost 5 years to players' lives.? These associations remained unchanged even when the researchers controlled for people's education,socioeconomic status(社会经济地位)?and age.?
  “People nowadays are busy in work or school. They want to spend time on learning new things. Which one of the things will you choose to learn?
  1) Learn a sport that you have never played before.2) Learn to cook food that you haven’t prepared before.3) Learn to make something by hand, such as clothing or jewelry.”

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